GDPR Email Opt In & Photo Consent

Due to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) we need to have your permission to email you after you finish using our services.

Please complete this form to ensure you receive our emails and hear about all our events and offers first!  We promise these won’t be frequent, we’ll only send you information if we have something exciting, informative or important to tell you (such as new training course that you or your dog might enjoy)!

If you decide at a later date that you no longer wish to receive communications from us, then just send us an email to let us know.


During our training sessions, we sometimes like to take very short video’s and photo’s of your dog and family members undertaking training exercises.  These can be really useful to us for promoting our training sessions on our website and social media. If any Identification Tag Information is visible in the images, this will always be removed before posting.

Please advise us if you are happy or not for Happy Buddies and Puppy School Ltd to use photos and videos of your family and dog.