Happy Buddies
COVID19 121 Face To Face Appointment Protocol
(Updated 25 September 2022)
The following Covid19 Protocol for Happy Buddies 121 Training and Behavioural appointments is currently in place.
Although the Government have lifted restrictions, we at Happy Buddies feel the need to continue to carefully balance the needs and safety of our clients as well as our staff. Some people in attendance may be more vulnerable than others.
Therefore, the following adjustments are in place to ensure the safe running of all Happy Buddies 121 Training and Behavioural appointments. Anyone not adhering to these measures will forfeit the remainder of their appointment and will not receive a refund; these measures form part of our terms and conditions.
The following information may be of interest to you:
** This protocol is subject to change at short notice in accordance with local conditions and government guidance. **
What To Expect From Our 121 Appointments
121 Face to Face Sessions will be run under the following conditions:
1) From Thursday 24 February 2022, the Government removed the legal requirements to self-isolate following a positive test. However, the guidance for Happy Buddies’ 121 Training sessions remains that trainers and clients who test positive or who have the key symptoms of Covid19 should not attend a training session, given that there is still a high risk of infecting others. Therefore, those who test positive or who are experiencing the key Covid19 symptoms (listed below) must cancel the appointment:
a. High temperature
b. A new, continuous cough
c. A loss or change to your sense of taste or smell
2) Sessions will either take place in an agreed outside location, within your garden or within your home. Your Trainer will take a Lateral Flow Test on the morning of your appointment and would be grateful if all those attending the appointment could as well (this is not mandatory, but would be appreciated by your Trainer).
3) Face coverings are optional. Please feel free to bring additional PPE e.g. gloves and hand sanitiser if you wish.
4) Your Trainer may sanitise their hands regularly throughout the appointment as they see fit. Please feel free to do the same with your own hand santiser.
5) Your Trainer will use their own treats for demonstrating exercises but please ensure you have enough high value treats (e.g. chicken, cheese or hot dog sausage) for your puppy/dog too.
6) If you develop symptoms within 48 hours of attending the appointment please contact Happy Buddies immediately to let us know.
7) If at any point an attendee’s behaviour is deemed to be putting others at risk, the appointment will be stopped without a refund.
8) If at any point the local area is placed back in lockdown, the appointment will take place online (where this is possible, given the behaviour/training requirement concerned) this is to avoid limited disruption to your training. Refunds will not be issued if you do not want to continue via the online format. If however, the specific training/behaviour is not suitable for online training, the appointment will be postponed or a refund will be offered.