• Bella Sanders.

    Associate Puppy School Tutor.

Dogs have always been my passion for as long as I can remember.  I was the child who looked longingly at and asked to stroke every dog I saw.

At the age of 15 I got my first dog, a Belgian Shepherd Malinois and she was my best friend for 14 wonderful years.  She was a nervous dog and unfortunately, we didn’t attend a very good puppy course which didn’t help the start of our journey together.  However, we still managed to overcome many issues.  This is why it is so important to attend a reputable reward based puppy school. 

When I was younger I thought the only way I could work with animals was to become a vet however, Maths and Science were not my strong point at school.  I also liked Property so I did Property Development at University.  After graduating and doing some surveying work experience, then becoming an estate agent I realised that this life was most definitely not for me and I reverted back to my original and main passion - animals and in particular dogs! 

I set up a dog walking and boarding business (B&Hounds) which is still going strong 7 years later and I adore all the dogs I have had the honour of looking after past and present.  I have had so much experience with all breeds, sizes and lots of different personalities and each one has been special in their own way. 

I also volunteered at Battersea Dogs Home but quite quickly my dog walking business started growing and unfortunately I no longer had time to go there but it is something I would love to do again.  It gave me such an amazing insight into the world of rescue and behaviour. 

I have 2 dogs of my own, both rescue Pointer mixes from Cyprus, Stanley and Sienna and they are my world and as long as they are happy then so am I.  I am always doing training with them, mainly recall as that is their downfall due to their high prey drive. Me and Stanley also do Canicross together.  I have done some scent work with both Stanley and Sienna and am hoping to try out Hoopers and Mantrailing in the near future. 

In my spare time you will most likely find me walking my dogs with my husband. We love the beach and like to go to our holiday home in South Devon. I also love furthering my knowledge on all things dog by attending courses on dog training, behaviour, reading new and relevant literature and watching webinars. As well as following other reward based trainers and behaviourists to keep up to date on health matters, enrichment and everything and anything dog related. 

I have been trained by Gwen Bailey who is an internationally renowned dog trainer, behaviourist and author.   I have an up-to-date certificate in First Aid for Dogs.  I am a Natures Variety Raw Food Advisor and I am looking forward to working towards becoming a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) and becoming a Registered Animal Training Instructor the Animal Behaviour Training Council (ABTC) in the coming months. 

I am so excited and proud to be part of the Happy Buddies team - the best Puppy School in Surrey!